One day Pudgy and Speedy were napping on Pudgy's favorite perch where she can keep an eye on the toddlers and Grandkids that frequent our home. Pudgy has always favored this spot for the view it gives her as a watchdog over her home and family.
She is such a special little girl at about 11 pounds and her latest buddy Speedy, another rescued pup that came to stay with us, at about the same size and weight. Speedy is a long haired Chihuahua mix.
Pudgy, being the little leader she is, took Speedy in and has taught him the ropes of being a good watchdog and Family member. Often they can be found close together and every evening is a romp where all three of our "Kids" will get to wrestling and running around before settling in for the evening all snuggled up with one of us. (Usually whoever happens to be sharing "their" spot on the end of the couch in the den.)
From this picture you could say they've become butt buddies, wanting to be in touch with each other. LOL!
Taking in kids and other dogs comes naturally to little Miss Pudgy. From her very first night in our home she has been a natural child loving little girl. She snuggled with one of the Grand Daughters while she was watching TV. And she spent that first night in 20 minute shifts, first carefully snuggled with the Grand Daughter sleeping in a sleeping bag in the living room, then 20 minutes between Betty and I between the pillows, then back with the Grand Daughter. Pudgy was all of 5 months old that night. And she showed what a terrific little watch dog she would be, and how vast her love would be for her new family. Even though there was 4 adults and one child, and everybody was in different places and she had never been in our home before, she knew that Betty and I were her new companions.
She alerts before one of us gets home, usually about 30 seconds before the car or truck pulls up, she senses it and goes on the alert.
And now, at just a bit over 9 years old (I believe), there are soo many ways our little girl has been a dear little girl loving all children who have come into our home, and taking in two rescued dogs and giving part of her home to them.
She's had a few close calls, but came through them in grand style.
Here's a rare picture of Pudgy with her big buddy Sam. Rare in that Sam, a rescued purported to be Cockapoo mix is still deathly afraid of cameras and flashlights from his first year of life where he was tortured and abused. He was thrown to the animal shelter for Euthanizing, and rescued by a woman who gave him up to us for adoption. Sam took two years for me to gain his trust, but he was OK with Betty, and several more before he could stand to be around strangers. But with Pudgy's love, and our love, Sam is a good boy now and loves to go everywhere we do. I often cuddle him and call him "Mr. Big Barks", because he can roar when he wants to.
Here they are enjoying our boat on Clear Lake with us. They all like going RV'ing and boating with the Family and Friends. Pudgy keeping her big buddy comfortable and assured.

Pudgy had to have a pea sized tumor removed from one of her breasts this year and was spayed at the same time. As a part of the pre-op, she was X-rayed to be sure no cancer was in her lungs (in case the breast tumor was malignant). The vet was surprised at the large size of her heart.
I told him it didn't surprise me at all, we knew she had a big heart just by her loving nature. We've done everything we could to keep her healthy and happy, and she in turn has done more than could be asked to return her unconditional love and companionship to all she meets.
The biopsy came back as free of any cancerous cells, and that entire breast tissue was removed. So no danger from that. The vet released her to me early because he said he could tell she would get better care at home than even there in the hospital.
Everybody, vets, hygienists, and groomers, remark at how loving and cooperative she is for them.
She is the most amazing dog I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a home with. And I attribute that to her outstanding breeding and start in life.
Thank You Debbie!
Sonny and Betty,
Pudgy, Sam, and Speedy
Breeder's Note: Pudgy is a black, first generation, CCA American Cockapoo
Breeder's Note: Pudgy is a black, first generation, CCA American Cockapoo
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