Here are some home pictures of 3 Starlo's Cockapoos that shared the same home in Alaska! The red Cockapoo was Nehemiah who has gone "Over the Bridge". He lives on in the Danielson's hearts. The "Blue Poo" (blue roan) is "Blue Belle" who is 6 years old now & her parents are "Misty Blue Jeans" & "Oreo". The baby (black) is "Disney" who is 6 months old now & his parents are "Jamie Lynn" & "Trapper Brown".

I have to tell you the story about Disney & the bag of treats. Every time we come home with bags of groceries - the babies (our cockapoos) just 'know' they have treats in the bag. Lil Disney, our newest baby, is a fast learner. He not only knew the treats were there - he grabbed the bag of chews & made a run for the bedroom ~ with the entire bag! HA HA HA - I LOVE my Cockapoos! I know they are just little people dressed up so cute! :)
I can't brag enough about Starlos Cockapoos. These babies have brought so much love & joy to our hearts & home. Debbie is the most reputable breeder that I have ever worked with. These puppies come to you loved, healthy & ready to be your best friend. If anyone has any hesitations & would like to contact me, I am more than willing to brag for as long as you can listen. Debbie has demonstrated the utmost of Integrity as a Breeder. She is wonderful! She interviews your family before she places a baby - and she cries over every puppy that leaves Starlos. Debbie's heart is in this business & it shows when that little lovie comes to your side day after day. What a gift Starloscockapoos is to all! Thank You Debbie! Lisa in Alaska.
Hi Lisa! I can't agree with you more! Debbie loves every single one of her puppies and loves to hear how they are doing!!
When I visited Starlo's Kennels during a family reunion in Oregon, I could see first hand how much she cares. If I didn't have six dogs right now, I would have a Starlo's Cockapoo!!!
Thank you for sharing the story about Disney & the bag of treats!
Debbie's webmaster.
Hi Lisa
How nice, thank you for your post. They are truly special little ones. They will fill your heart with love and happiness for many years to come. Sounds like Disney has your #.. ha-ha..
Bye for now
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