Each post will contain the date the post was published, the title, an article, a picture and the footer. In the footer of each post you will find information that will tell you who wrote the post, at what time the post was published, the number of comments and a hyperlink that will list the links to this particular post. The second line contains the labels that were attached to the post to aid in searching for a particular post on the blog. Example: 7 comments Links to this post To leave a comment, click on the "7 comments" link. (The number of comments will automatically change when you publish your comment.) This will open a new window in which you will be able to leave a comment. For the purpose of this post I will concentrate on those who do not have a blogger account. After you type your comment, make sure that the radio button next to anonymous is selected and click on the orange "Publish Your Comment" button. You will notice at the top of the comment window the following: "Your comment has been saved. It may take a moment for your comment to appear on the site." Your comment will be published to the comment section along with the date, time and a trash can. Example:
1 Comment
Close this window Jump to comment form The only way to edit your comment is to click on the trash can. This will open a new window where you will need to make sure that the "remove forever?" check box is checked before clicking on "Delete Comment" button. At this point you are ready to retype your comment. This blog is set up to send your comment to Debbie where she will be notified that your comment has been published to her blog!The posts in the left hand column will scroll down as new posts are added, while the information in the right hand column stays visible at all times. When you click on the buttons such as the BLOG VILLAGE button you will be voting for Starlo's Cockapoos on that particular Top 100 List. This goes for each of the Blog Directory buttons as well.
Among information about which blogs Starlo's Cockapoos considers great reading, a warning label, examples of different colors of Starlo's Cockapoos you will find the links to older post in the Blog Archive section.
Editor's note: Starlo's Paw Prints comes up on the first page of Google Search at number 2, 3 and 10 when the search term is "Cockapoo blogs"!
This is a test of the anonymous option of posting.
Janey Loree
8/13/2007 11:11 PM